kee to wellness

wellness to me is about a balanced lifestyle. enjoying all foods. nourishing our bodies. prioritizing daily movement. resting. mental health comes first.

The Best Kale Salad Recipe

did you know that avocados paired with leafy greens can increase the absorption of the nutrients in the greens by 400%+? the addition of healthy fats like avocado or olive oil have been shown to increase the absorption of plant nutrients called carotenoids, which are nutrients essential for healthy eyes, skin and the immune system.

My rule of thumb for making the perfect kale salad:

1. Remove ALL ribs and stems and cut into smaller pieces.

2. Massage with avocado and lemon juice. Acid = releases bitterness and makes it less tough.

Avocado = makes it nice and creamy and allows you to absorb more of the nutrients in kale and the other toppings.

3. Top with something salty, crunchy and sweet.

Ingredients for 2:

– 4 cups kale, ribs & stems removed, chopped

– 1 avocado, sliced in half, pit removed

– 1/2 tsp salt, I love mineral salt like redmonds

– 1/2 tsp fresh cracked black pepper

– juice of half a lemon

– 2 tbsp – 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

– 1/4 cup fresh shredded Parmesan

– 2 tbsp chopped shelled pistachios


1. Remove all ribs and stems from kale. I buy organic pre bagged, and go through it and remove any remaining ribs and stems. I prefer smaller pieces of kale so feel free to do a rough chop through it, or even use scissors in your big bowl for a quick chopping hack.

2. Add lemon juice, avocado, salt and pepper. Use your hands to massage everything into the kale very well. I typically make this salad when entertaining, so you can definitely pop this in the fridge for a few hours and let it all marinate. The great thing about kale is that it doesnโ€™t really wilt, so we even enjoyed this salad the next day too!

3. Top with pomegranate seeds, parm and pistachios and enjoy!



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